Location: 4902 Frontage Road NW, Roanoke, VA 24019

LOA’s Center for Health and Wellness opened in 2022, providing much-needed space next to our main office in Roanoke. The Center is the hub of LOA’s Nutrition Programs and the home of healthy aging activities and events. The building houses the headquarters for the Northwest Roanoke Meals on Wheels site, the Star City Diners Club, and LOA’s Nutrition Programs offices.

  • The Outdoor Senior Exercise Area, located behind the Center for Health & Wellness building, is open to the public Monday-Friday, 8:30am-2:30pm. 

Healthy Aging Activities

Certified Community Health Workers, along with our Elder Rights staff, are coordinating regular events at the Center designed to address the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of the older population, including

Center for Health and Wellness

Lunch and Learns

Health Fairs

“A Matter of Balance” fall prevention classes

Senior Socials

Outdoor Senior Exercise Area

Watch our Events webpage for more activities at the Center for Health and Wellness!

Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn events provide a free, healthy lunch, and feature a professional speaker on topics including Arthritis, Stroke Awareness, Diabetes, Falls Prevention, and other health challenges.

Senior Social Hours feature fun seasonal activities, games, and delicious food. These events have been sponsored by Carilion Clinic, The Louise R. Lester Foundation, and Meals on Wheels America, helping older adults socialize and combating isolation in our aging population.

LOA Outdoor Senior Exercise Area

The Outdoor Senior Exercise Area, located behind the Center for Health & Wellness building, is open to the public Monday-Friday, 8:30am-2:30pm. The fitness equipment is designed for older adults to improve strength, endurance, and balance.

We need your support

Our goal is to raise $100,000 to pay for renovations to the Center and ensure program sustainability by freeing up future funds to be devoted to programs and services.

As the older population in our area grows, LOA is also growing to provide the critically needed services for healthy aging. During the next 10 years, 85% of our region’s population growth is projected to take place in the 65+ age group.

We’re continuing to grow and need your support to do so! We’re developing an outdoor walking path.

Your gift to the LOA Center for Health and Wellness will ensure that programming and services vital to our older population will continue. Thank you for your commitment and support of older adults in our region!

Make a gift

Thank You To Our Donors

The following have made generous sponsorship gifts for LOA’s Center for Health and Wellness.

Gold Sponsors
Outdoor Fitness Area

Community Room
In loving memory of Ralph C. Wiegandt
LOA Board of Directors, 1995 – 2000

Silver Sponsors
Steve and Billie Sue Musselwhite

Bronze Sponsors
Meals on Wheels Office
Delta Dental

LOA Center for Health and Wellness, 4902 Frontage Road NW, Roanoke, VA 24019